Pet Insurance 101
Thanks to developments in veterinary care and quality nutritional products, pets are now enjoying a longer lifespan. Pets are also now, more than ever, a [...]
Teva’s Basic Guide for Preparing Your Pets for Export
Emigrating, whether for a short-term job opportunity or a long-term change can be a very stressful process. Pets are part of your family unit and [...]
Teva Lockdown Lowdown during Covid-19
Dear Teva Clients, With lock-down starting soon we'd like to update our loyal clients on the following: Most importantly, WE'RE HERE FOR YOU AND YOUR [...]
No Bones About It: bones are unsafe for your dog
The idea that it’s natural for dogs to chew on bones is a popular one. However, it’s a dangerous practice and can cause serious injury [...]
Reasons to Vaccinate Your Pet
At some time in its life, your pet may be exposed to a serious or even fatal infectious disease one of which could even be [...]
Holiday Hints
Teva knows that preparing for the holidays can get crazy busy, which is rather funny since a holiday is about rest. So Teva wants to [...]
Want to be FLEA-FREE?
HOW DO I TELL IF MY PET HAS FLEAS? One of the first signs of a flea infestation is that your pet will be scratching, [...]
Tiny Terrors! The dangers of ticks on your pets
Living in sunny South Africa is great, but with it comes all the parasites and diseases associated with a warm and/or tropical climate. One of these [...]
Sterilisation of dogs and cats is the only hope we have of contributing to the ever increasing problem of pet overpopulation in our country. The [...]